Friday, April 15, 2011

This wasn't supposed to happen for awhile

Like I said, I'm a little early.

Even though these thoughts are slightly pre-mature to my liking into the blogosphere, I've been so fascinated by other 20 something blogs that I just figured, why wait? Two years ago, I took a four month stint (some may call it a vacation that happened to involve school) to Spain. I wrote this cute little blog mostly for my family and friends to read about my travels and such on the other side of the globe. And while it was a GREAT tool for informing everyone on how I was doing, it also gave me something else...

an addiction to these things called 'blogs.' And it's been downhill ever since.

You want to know a recipe for turkey burgers that will only cost you $1.07 per serving? I have a blog for that. Interested in fun crafts to do when you are at home with you kids? Yes, I follow a blog for that, too. (I have a weird obsession with mom blogs. Don't ask). Or inter-racial adoption or parenting? Don't worry, I've got you covered. This blog-thing has peeked my interest and, more importantly, maintained it.

I knew I wanted to write my own blog after I graduated from school, but I thought I would wait until I had actually received my diploma. Instead, I got too impatient. So, here I go. I'm a twenty-something girl about to graduate and head out to the great state of Tennessee (hopefully I will learn how to spell it before I get there...) to teach with an organization that is very near and dear to my heart. I have no idea what it will be like: who I will live with, what exactly I will teach, and how the Lord will stretch and grow me over the next year.

But I'm excited to find out.

Enjoy my updates on life as I enter this thing called the real world.

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